The Ahafo Ano North Municipal
The Ahafo Ano North Municipal

The Ahafo Ano North Municipal is one of the 261 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in Ghana, and forms part of the 43 of MMDAs in the Ashanti Region.


The Ahafo Ano North Municipal was created by an Act of Parliament in 1988 by a Legislative Instrument (LI 1402) and is located in north western part of Ashanti Region and lies between latitude 60 47’N and 70 02’N and longitude 2026’W and 20 04’W with a total landmass of 593.7km2.


The Municipal capital is Tepa and distance from the Municipality to Kumasi is 70km. The notable towns in the Municipality are Manfo, Akwasiase, Mabang, Anyinasuso, Asuhyiae and Betiako.


The Municipality shares boundaries with five Districts which are Tano North Municipal and Tano South Municipal to the north, to the south by Atwima Mponua District, and to the west by Asutifi South District, and on the east by Ahafo Ano South East District.

The population of the Municipality according to the 2021 Population and Housing Census stands at 92,742 with 46,753 males and 45,989 females.


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