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Celebrities & Famous

List of Most Famous Personalities or Celebrities in Ghana and the World, especially in entertainment, sports,
business, politics, religion, music etc. These are generally Actors and Actresses, Musicians, musical Artistes, Comedians, and Sports stars, Often, achieved celebrities gain fame and recognition through receiving a well-known award.
Some examples of achieved popular or famous Ghanaian Celebrities are: Kwame Nkrumah (First President of Ghana), QueenLet (Mother of Soakat Genre of music);
Kofi Annan (Former UN Secretary General); Azumah Nelson (Boxer); Abedi Ayew Pele (Footballer); Asamoah Gyan (footballer) etc.

Types of Celebrities: 1. Lineage Celebrities, 2. Talent Celebrities; 3. Gifted Celebrities, 4. Skill Celebrities etc.

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