Nhyira Marfo Okyere is a Ghanaian Gospel musician and a late member of Team Eternity Ghana, a music team which recently found themselves in “Defe Defe” song copyright infringement with Mr Kwame Mickey and OFM Computer World.
Minister Nhyira is one of the lead singers and founders of the hit Ghanaian gospel group Team Eternity, Nhyira Okyere Marfo was reported dead on August 7, 2024.
Multiple accounts about the singer’s death have surfaced online as fans continue to seek answers The viral urban music group has issued a statement about the unfortunate news as they navigate the trying times.
The singer was a staunch member of the collective and was featured in several of their hit performances, which have garnered millions of views on YouTube.
The deceased’s last public appearance was at an event on Sunday, August 2, 2024, which now stands as her final ministration.
Nhyira’s death came almost a year after the collective’s singer, Kevin Adiamah, was laid to rest.
What Team Eternity Ghana said in the press release:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
2 Timothy 4:7 NIV
On Wednesday, 7th August, 2024, we received the news of the sudden passing of our friend and sister, Nhyira Marfo.
Grief-stricken and heartbroken as we are, yet we turn to the Lord from Whom all comfort flows.
We trust in Him Who knows the end from the beginning, and take refuge in His promise that, “…surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)
We ask that you keep the family of Nhyira and Team Eternity Ghana in your prayers. We remain grateful for your continued love and support.