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Tag: Apostle Dr Michael Ntumy

Church of Pentecost Confirmed Apostle Dr Michael Kwabena Ntumy Dead.

The Church of Pentecost confirmed Apostle Michael Ntumy dead.
Passing of the Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy (Rtd.) "Now when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep "- Acts...

Apostle Michael Ntumy Dies at 65, former Church of Pentecost Chairman & left children (Photos)

Former Church of Pentecost Chairman, Apostle Dr Michael Ntumy.
Apostle Dr. Michael Kwabena Ntumy, popularly known as Apostle Michael Ntumy, former Chairman of the Church of Pentecost has died. He left six (6) children...

Official Biography Of Apostle Michael Kwabena Ntumy, former Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, Nationality, Education, Age, Books, Family and Career.

Apostle Dr Michael Kwabena Ntumy
Apostle Dr Michael Kwabena Ntumy was the former Chairman of the Church of Pentecost Worldwide, which Apostle Opoku Onyinah succeeded him (Apostle Michael Ntumy)...
