Serwaa Amihere: After her álléged s3. x videos were léáked yesterday, an update about the whole issue has popped up online.
According to a social media influencer known as Bempah, Serwaa Amihere opened up to him about how the guy in the video known as Henry Fitz was blackmailing her.
She explained that they dated in 2019 and took a few intimate videos. But after they broke up, Henry who has gone from rich to poor started blackmailing Serwaa Amihere.
He threatened to post the video online and started taking money from Serwaa Amihere. But after getting tired of always paying him, Serwaa gave up and asked him to do his worse.
This made the guy to leak the video. Well, Serwaa and Henry are yet to respond to the allegations.
See the update from Bempah below:
According to Bempah, Serwaa told him that, the guy Henry has been bl*ackmailing her from 2019 ending….after they had s£xu*al interC …. Na Serwaa said that…it’s HENRY who l£*aked the video because… he has been taking money from her and she is tired of paying again.
Point of correction, this Henry guy is not currently rich… allegedly he is so br*oke . So stop addressing him a super filthy rich guy….even when he was rich…see those houses and cars for a so_called RICH MAN. No rich man will bl*ackmail his Ex_girlfriend trying hard to feed herself for money da!!
As a vigilant blogger….i can also say that…a man l£*aked the video on that page… if it was his ex wife…she would have written a caption but this person was only tagging Serwaa’s handle. So can this be a SPEC of Serwaa? The guy’s wife divorced him cuz of this video allegedly and i learnt that…the guy has been br*agging to people how he chopp£d Serwaa which i have no evidence about that….
The guy didn’t take the video….Serwaa did it with her own hands….but we don’t know if she used her phone or the guys phone but in the video….she was videoing it whilst the guy was busily enjoying her. Both have to be in court and explain why they did it . Secondly why must u pay a bl*ackmailer for long without telling the authorities. Were you feeling shyyyy that…you was dating a man u went to his wedding to shower blessings on him and wife anaaa….the girl left the marriage, the giy is brok£ now….he is d£sperate and will do anything for money…the best thing was to tell the police when he was taking your money.
VIDA WILL NEVER TAKE THIS SPEC 🤣…achai! Ah well what do i know…his c*ock must be cocking. Na the wat he can l**ickkkk ears paaa and armpit nyinaa kyer3 s3… the guy can do wonders…. ehu ooooo.
credit: ghanacelebrities